I just thought I had it figured out what the cool brands are and what brands I should avoid. Blenz and Starbucks are the big players. Franchise enterprises with standards set and followed over all outlets. Bean around the world, Trees Organic and JJ Bean already have several outlets but still artisan roasting.
49th Parallel, Matchstick and the Cafe for Contemporary Art are highly individual and entrepreneurial. Only the last seemed to have the kind of spirit I was looking for.
And then I took a step into the Bean around the world at West Hastings street. Actually I just wanted to use the wifi, but the whole atmosphere was cool so I handed in my resume.
10 minutes later I was asked to make a latte, because the owner was coming and he always wants his latte.
I had the interview 5 min later and after an hour of talking about everything but work I was hired.
And then something happened that I have never seen before. The staff came and congratulated me to my success!
Should I wear something specific? "well... don't dress like a slut!" they replied!
First day is tomorrow, I love this place already!
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